I believe that if you can get a deferment, that you can date it back to when you started missing payments, which will remove them from your report. You could be beyond this timeframe though, but their suggestion of it suggests that you still have eligibility left. If so, you should still be able to rehabilitate your student loan. For this to happen you have to have an agreement in place with the lender and then make 12 payments in a row. Once you reach this point they should 'rehab' your loan. Be warned, if you mess up after that it is very unlikely that you will get a second chance at this. Also make sure that you have signed paperwork showing the agreement, so that you do get credit for all 12 payments .
Even though you're better than almost everyone, your outward image makes everyone think you're just average.
Look for the thread on amex minimum approval criteria, it was recently discussed.
(3000 dollar personal loan) OK, it's early , and unless I misread, couldn't you just send a dispute to TU with copy of paid-in-full letter?
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