piątek, 1 lutego 2008

no fee loans for bad credit

No, Justus, you didn't cause me any problem -- I'm not on staff here.
So what he did was about worthless unless he planned on taking a big tax advance and heading to Brazil.
So= I want to call the credit union tomorrow, let them know that BF got the loan and was approved w/ them. How should I word this.. I'm wanting to be added on the loan to help my credit. Would he have to sign all new paperwork again with the dealer? Right now, his name is the only one on the registration etc. How do you think that would affect his interest rate? Would it go up because of me?
(No fee loans for bad credit) Anyway, I have no clue what utilization is....I know that the fico score is what banks look at to give you credit and it should be at least 600 right?
FICO scoring is getting more sophisticated and I suspect they don't care much about the total number of open cards you have.

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